Mission Statement

The specific purpose of this organization is to promote the well-being of companion animals belonging to people in Chico who live on the streets, are homeless, or seeking emergency shelter, by providing foster care, spaying and neutering, vaccinations, other necessary medical care, as well as supplies and other items required to maintain the animals’ health and safety.


What We Do for The Animals

Outreach to people living on the streets with companion animals to provide the following:

  • Address immediate medical issues faced by the pets
  • Provide vaccinations and parasite prevention
  • Distribute pet food and supplies needed to maintain the health and safety of animals
  • Treat injuries and other medical issues
  • Make available Spay/Neutering services
  • Establish regularly scheduled, free, veterinary clinics for homeless people’s pets at the Jesus Center
  • We provide free veterinary clinics for the homeless and their pets on a regular basis with plans to expand the service.
  • We also actively search out homeless people who have animals by going to their encampments and other gathering places to offer food, medical care and whatever the animals may need for their health and safety.
  • We give out blankets and towels when it’s raining; dog coats when it’s freezing cold; water and booties so tender paws are not burned on the cement in the blistering hot Chico summers.
  • If homeless people want to enter a local shelter to escape a violent environment or receive services, we arrange to temporarily foster their animals so they don’t have to give them up.
  • Outreach is a year-round activity, but we are especially busy when the weather is at its worst.
  • We are active throughout Chico and work closely with the established shelters such as the Torres Shelter and Jesus Center